View Source Lightning.AdaptorRegistry (Lightning v2.10.15)

Registry process to query and maintain a list of adaptors available for writing jobs.

Currently it queries NPM for all modules in the @openfn organization and filters out modules that are known not to be adaptors.


# Starting the process
# Getting a list of all adaptors


By default the results are cached to disk, and will be reused every start.

In order to disable or configure caching pass see: start_link/1.

The process uses :continue to return before the adaptors have been queried. This does mean that the first call to the process will be delayed until the handle_continue/2 has finished.


There is a 'general' timeout of 30s, this is used for GenServer calls like all/1 and also internally when the modules are being queried. NPM can be extremely fast to respond if the package is cached on their side, but can take a couple of seconds if not cached.



Get the current in-process list of adaptors. This call will wait behind the :continue message when the process starts up, so it may take a while the first time it is called (and the list hasn't been fetched yet).

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Fetch a list of packages for the @openfn organisation

Get a latest version for a given module.

Destructures an NPM style package name into module name and version.

Same as resolve_package_name/1 except will throw an exception if a package name cannot be matched.

Starts the AdaptorRegistry

Get a list of versions for a given module.


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all(server \\ __MODULE__)

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@spec all(server :: GenServer.server()) :: list()

Get the current in-process list of adaptors. This call will wait behind the :continue message when the process starts up, so it may take a while the first time it is called (and the list hasn't been fetched yet).

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

@spec fetch() :: [map()]

Fetch a list of packages for the @openfn organisation

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latest_for(server \\ __MODULE__, module_name)

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@spec latest_for(server :: GenServer.server(), module_name :: String.t()) ::
  list() | nil

Get a latest version for a given module.

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@spec resolve_package_name(package_name :: nil) :: {nil, nil}
@spec resolve_package_name(package_name :: String.t()) ::
  {binary() | nil, binary() | nil}

Destructures an NPM style package name into module name and version.


iex> resolve_package_name("@openfn/language-salesforce@1.2.3")
{ "@openfn/language-salesforce", "1.2.3" }
iex> resolve_package_name("@openfn/language-salesforce")
{ "@openfn/language-salesforce", nil }
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@spec resolve_package_name!(package_name :: String.t()) :: {binary(), binary() | nil}

Same as resolve_package_name/1 except will throw an exception if a package name cannot be matched.

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start_link(opts \\ [use_cache: true])

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@spec start_link(opts :: [use_cache: boolean() | binary(), name: term()]) ::
  {:error, any()} | {:ok, pid()}

Starts the AdaptorRegistry


  • :use_cache (defaults to false) - stores the last set of results on disk and uses the cached file for every subsequent start. It can either be a boolean, or a string - the latter being a file path to set where the cache file is located.
  • :name (defaults to AdaptorRegistry) - the name of the process, useful for testing and/or running multiple versions of the registry
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versions_for(server \\ __MODULE__, module_name)

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@spec versions_for(server :: GenServer.server(), module_name :: String.t()) ::
  list() | nil

Get a list of versions for a given module.