View Source Lightning.AdaptorRegistry (Lightning v2.10.15)
Registry process to query and maintain a list of adaptors available for writing jobs.
Currently it queries NPM for all modules in the @openfn
organization and
filters out modules that are known not to be adaptors.
# Starting the process
# Getting a list of all adaptors
By default the results are cached to disk, and will be reused every start.
In order to disable or configure caching pass see: start_link/1
The process uses :continue
to return before the adaptors have been queried.
This does mean that the first call to the process will be delayed until
the handle_continue/2
has finished.
There is a 'general' timeout of 30s, this is used for GenServer calls like
and also internally when the modules are being queried. NPM can
be extremely fast to respond if the package is cached on their side, but
can take a couple of seconds if not cached.
Get the current in-process list of adaptors.
This call will wait behind the :continue
message when the process starts
up, so it may take a while the first time it is called (and the list hasn't
been fetched yet).
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
Fetch a list of packages for the @openfn organisation
Get a latest version for a given module.
Destructures an NPM style package name into module name and version.
Same as resolve_package_name/1
except will throw an exception if a package
name cannot be matched.
Starts the AdaptorRegistry
Get a list of versions for a given module.
@spec all(server :: GenServer.server()) :: list()
Get the current in-process list of adaptors.
This call will wait behind the :continue
message when the process starts
up, so it may take a while the first time it is called (and the list hasn't
been fetched yet).
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
See Supervisor
@spec fetch() :: [map()]
Fetch a list of packages for the @openfn organisation
@spec latest_for(server :: GenServer.server(), module_name :: String.t()) :: list() | nil
Get a latest version for a given module.
@spec resolve_package_name(package_name :: nil) :: {nil, nil}
@spec resolve_package_name(package_name :: String.t()) :: {binary() | nil, binary() | nil}
Destructures an NPM style package name into module name and version.
iex> resolve_package_name("@openfn/language-salesforce@1.2.3")
{ "@openfn/language-salesforce", "1.2.3" }
iex> resolve_package_name("@openfn/language-salesforce")
{ "@openfn/language-salesforce", nil }
Same as resolve_package_name/1
except will throw an exception if a package
name cannot be matched.
@spec start_link(opts :: [use_cache: boolean() | binary(), name: term()]) :: {:error, any()} | {:ok, pid()}
Starts the AdaptorRegistry
(defaults to false) - stores the last set of results on disk and uses the cached file for every subsequent start. It can either be a boolean, or a string - the latter being a file path to set where the cache file is located.:name
(defaults to AdaptorRegistry) - the name of the process, useful for testing and/or running multiple versions of the registry
@spec versions_for(server :: GenServer.server(), module_name :: String.t()) :: list() | nil
Get a list of versions for a given module.