View Source Lightning.ChangesetUtils (Lightning v2.10.15)

Extra functions for Ecto.Changeset.



Puts a new change in the changeset if the params have the field.

Puts a new change in the changeset if the field is not already set.


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put_if_provided(changeset, field, params)

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@spec put_if_provided(Ecto.Changeset.t(), atom(), map()) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()

Puts a new change in the changeset if the params have the field.

Useful when params don't have a given key and you don't want to set the field to nil.

Link to this function

put_new_change(changeset, field, value)

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@spec put_new_change(Ecto.Changeset.t(), atom(), any()) :: Ecto.Changeset.t()

Puts a new change in the changeset if the field is not already set.

NOTE: This function considers a field with a nil value as not set.