View Source Lightning.Extensions.UsageLimiting behaviour (Lightning v2.10.15)

Rate limiting for Lightning workloads that depends on Runtime.



Checks the usage limits for a given project and user context, returning an error message if the limits are exceeded.

Returns run options based on the given project context. The run options include a timeout value and a flag for saving dataclips.

Increments the AI query count for a given chat session.

Limits specific actions based on an Action and Context.


@type error() :: {:error, error_reason(), message()}
@type error_reason() ::
  :too_many_runs | :runs_hard_limit | :exceeds_limit | :unknown_project
@type message() :: Lightning.Extensions.Message.t()


@callback check_limits(context :: Lightning.Extensions.UsageLimiting.Context.t()) ::
  :ok | error()

Checks the usage limits for a given project and user context, returning an error message if the limits are exceeded.

Requires a Context struct containing the project_id and user_id.


  • {:ok} if the limits are within bounds.
  • {:error, reason, message} if the limits are exceeded.
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@callback get_data_retention_message(
  context :: Lightning.Extensions.UsageLimiting.Context.t()
) ::
  message() | nil
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@callback get_data_retention_periods(
  context :: Lightning.Extensions.UsageLimiting.Context.t()
) :: [
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@callback get_run_options(context :: Lightning.Extensions.UsageLimiting.Context.t()) ::

Returns run options based on the given project context. The run options include a timeout value and a flag for saving dataclips.

Requires a Context struct containing the project_id.


  • A keyword list of run options including:
    • :run_timeout_ms: The run timeout in milliseconds.
    • :save_dataclips: A boolean indicating whether to save dataclips.
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increment_ai_usage(t, map)

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@callback increment_ai_usage(Lightning.AiAssistant.ChatSession.t(), map()) ::

Increments the AI query count for a given chat session.

Requires a Lightning.AiAssistant.ChatSession struct.


  • An Ecto.Multi struct representing the transaction to increment AI queries.
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limit_action(action, context)

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@callback limit_action(
  action :: Lightning.Extensions.UsageLimiting.Action.t(),
  context :: Lightning.Extensions.UsageLimiting.Context.t()
) :: :ok | error()

Limits specific actions based on an Action and Context.


  • :ok if the action is allowed.
  • {:error, reason, message} if the action is not allowed.