View Source Lightning.Invocation.Step (Lightning v2.10.15)

Ecto model for Steps.

A step is part of a run and represents the work initiated for a single Job with a single input_dataclip.

Once completed (successfully) it will have an output_dataclip associated with it as well.

When a step finishes, it's :exit_reason is set to one of following strings:

  • "success"
  • "fail"
  • "crash"
  • "cancel"
  • "kill"
  • "exception"
  • "lost"



@type t() :: %Lightning.Invocation.Step{
  __meta__: Ecto.Schema.Metadata.t(),
  credential: term(),
  credential_id: term(),
  error_type: term(),
  exit_reason: String.t() | nil,
  finished_at: term(),
  id: Ecto.UUID.t() | nil,
  input_dataclip: term(),
  input_dataclip_id: term(),
  inserted_at: term(),
  job: Lightning.Workflows.Job.t() | Ecto.Association.NotLoaded.t() | nil,
  job_id: term(),
  log_lines: term(),
  output_dataclip: term(),
  output_dataclip_id: term(),
  runs: term(),
  snapshot: term(),
  snapshot_id: term(),
  started_at: term(),
  updated_at: term()
