View Source Lightning.Policies.Permissions (Lightning v2.10.15)

This module defines a unique interface managing authorizations in Lightning.

Users in Lightning have instance-wide and project-wide roles which determine their level of access to resources in the application. Fo rmore details see the documentation.

These authorizations policies are all implemented under the lib/lightning/policies folder. In that folder you can find 3 files:

  • The users.ex file has all the policies for the instances wide access levels
  • The project_users.ex file has all the policies for the project wide access levels
  • The permissions.ex file defines the Lightning.Policies.Permissions.can/4 interface. Which is a wrapper around the Bodyguard.permit/4 function. We use that interface to be able to harmonize the use of policies accross the entire app.

All the policies are tested in the test/lightning/policies folder. And the test are written in a way that allows the reader to quickly who can do what in the app.

We have two variants of the Lightning.Policies.Permissions.can/4 interface:

  • Lightning.Policies.Permissions.can(policy, action, actor, resource) returns :ok if the actor can perform the action on the resource and {:error, :unauthorized} otherwise.
  • Lightning.Policies.Permissions.can?(policy, action, actor, resource) returns true if the actor can perform the action on the resource and false otherwise.

Here is an example of how we the Lightning.Policies.Permissions.can/4 interface to check if the a user can edit a job or not

can_edit_workflow = Lightning.Policies.ProjectUsers |> Lightning.Policies.Permissions.can?(:edit_workflow, socket.assigns.current_user, socket.assigns.project)

if can_edit_workflow do
  # allow user to edit the workflow
  # quick user out



checks if user has the permissions to apply action using some policy module

same as can/4 but returns true if user can apply action and false otherwise


Link to this function

can(policy, action, user, params \\ [])

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checks if user has the permissions to apply action using some policy module

Returns :ok if user can apply action and {:error, :unauthorized} otherwise


iex> can(Lightning.Policies.Users, :create_workflow, user, project)

iex> can(Lightning.Policies.Users, :create_project, user, %{})
{:error, :unauthorized}
Link to this function

can?(policy, action, user, params \\ [])

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same as can/4 but returns true if user can apply action and false otherwise


iex> can(Lightning.Policies.Users, :create_workflow, user, project)

iex> can(Lightning.Policies.Users, :create_project, user, %{})