View Source Lightning.Policies.ProjectUsers (Lightning v2.10.15)

The Bodyguard Policy module for projects members roles.



authorize/3 takes an action, a user, and a project. It checks the user's role for this project and returns true if the user can perform the action in that project and false if they cannot.


@type actions() ::
  | :edit_workflow
  | :access_project
  | :edit_project
  | :delete_project
  | :add_project_user
  | :remove_project_user
  | :delete_workflow
  | :create_workflow
  | :edit_digest_alerts
  | :edit_failure_alerts
  | :provision_project
  | :create_project_credential
  | :edit_data_retention
  | :write_webhook_auth_method
  | :write_github_connection
  | :initiate_github_sync
  | :create_collection


Link to this function

authorize(action, user, project)

View Source
@spec authorize(
  Lightning.Projects.Project.t() | %{project_id: Ecto.UUID.t()} | nil
) :: boolean()

authorize/3 takes an action, a user, and a project. It checks the user's role for this project and returns true if the user can perform the action in that project and false if they cannot.

Note that permissions are grouped by action, rather than by user role.

We deny by default, so if a user's role is not added to the allow roles list for a particular action they are denied.