View Source Lightning.WebhookAuthMethods (Lightning v2.10.15)

Provides functionality for managing webhook authentication methods.

This module contains functions to create, update, list, and delete authentication methods for webhooks. It supports operations such as scheduling authentication methods for deletion, purging them, associating them with triggers, and handling their life cycle within the system.

The main responsibilities of this module include:

  • Creating new webhook authentication methods with create_auth_method/2.
  • Associating and disassociating authentication methods with triggers.
  • Updating existing webhook authentication methods with update_auth_method/3.
  • Listing webhook authentication methods for a given project or trigger.
  • Finding a webhook authentication method by various identifiers, like API key or username and password.
  • Scheduling webhook authentication methods for deletion and purging them accordingly.



Creates a new WebhookAuthMethod and associated audit records.

Creates a changeset for a WebhookAuthMethod struct, which can include special handling based on the authentication type.

Deletes a given WebhookAuthMethod from the database.

Retrieves a WebhookAuthMethod that matches the given API key for a specified project.

Retrieves a WebhookAuthMethod by its ID, raising an exception if not found.

Retrieves a WebhookAuthMethod that matches the given username and password within the scope of a specified project.

Retrieves a list of WebhookAuthMethods associated with a specific Project.

Retrieves a list of WebhookAuthMethods associated with the specified Trigger.

Performs cleanup of WebhookAuthMethod records that are marked for permanent deletion.

Schedules a WebhookAuthMethod for deletion by setting its scheduled_deletion date.

Updates an existing WebhookAuthMethod with the provided attributes and creates an audit event.

Updates the association of WebhookAuthMethods for a given Trigger and logs the changes as audit events.


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create_auth_method(attrs, list)

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@spec create_auth_method(map(), [{:actor, Lightning.Accounts.User.t()}]) ::
  {:ok, Lightning.Workflows.WebhookAuthMethod.t()}
  | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}

Creates a new WebhookAuthMethod and associated audit records.

This function supports creating a WebhookAuthMethod either standalone or associated with a Trigger. It performs a database transaction that includes creating the auth method and its audit trail.


  • attrs: A map of attributes used to create the WebhookAuthMethod.
  • actor: The user performing the action, provided as a %User{} struct.


  • When called with a map of attributes, it creates a WebhookAuthMethod without associating it to a trigger.
  • When called with a Trigger struct and a map of attributes, it creates a WebhookAuthMethod and associates it with the provided trigger.


  • {:ok, %WebhookAuthMethod{}}: A tuple containing :ok and the newly created WebhookAuthMethod struct if the creation was successful.
  • {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}: A tuple containing :error and the changeset with errors if the creation failed.


  • Creating a WebhookAuthMethod without an associated trigger:

    iex> create_auth_method(%{valid_attributes}, actor: %User{})
    {:ok, %WebhookAuthMethod{}}
    iex> create_auth_method(%{invalid_attributes}, actor: %User{})
    {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
  • Creating a WebhookAuthMethod with an associated trigger:

    iex> create_auth_method(%Trigger{}, %{valid_attributes}, actor: %User{})
    {:ok, %WebhookAuthMethod{}}
    iex> create_auth_method(%Trigger{}, %{invalid_attributes}, actor: %User{})
    {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}


  • This function starts a Repo.transaction to ensure that all database operations are atomic. If any part of the transaction fails, all changes will be rolled back.
  • Audit events are created for both the creation of the WebhookAuthMethod and its association with a trigger, if applicable.
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create_auth_method(trigger, params, list)

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@spec create_auth_method(Lightning.Workflows.Trigger.t(), map(), [
  {:actor, Lightning.Accounts.User.t()}
]) ::
  {:ok, Lightning.Workflows.WebhookAuthMethod.t()}
  | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
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create_changeset(webhook_auth_method, params)

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Creates a changeset for a WebhookAuthMethod struct, which can include special handling based on the authentication type.

This function prepares a changeset for the creation or update of a WebhookAuthMethod. If the auth_type is :api, it generates a new API key and includes it in the returned structure.


  • webhook_auth_method: The WebhookAuthMethod struct to be updated.
  • params: A map containing the parameters with which to update the webhook_auth_method.


  • Returns the updated WebhookAuthMethod struct with changes applied. If auth_type is :api, an API key is generated and included.


  • Creating a changeset for an API type auth method:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.create_changeset(%WebhookAuthMethod{auth_type: :api}, %{})
    %WebhookAuthMethod{api_key: some_new_api_key}
  • Creating a changeset for a non-API type auth method:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.create_changeset(%WebhookAuthMethod{auth_type: :other}, %{})
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Deletes a given WebhookAuthMethod from the database.

The function takes a WebhookAuthMethod struct and runs to delete it. If the deletion is successful, it returns an :ok tuple with the deleted WebhookAuthMethod struct. If the deletion fails due to a constraint, such as a foreign key reference, it returns an error tuple.


  • auth_method: The WebhookAuthMethod struct to delete.


  • {:ok, struct}: A tuple containing :ok and the deleted WebhookAuthMethod struct if the deletion succeeds.
  • {:error, reason}: A tuple containing :error and the reason for failure if the deletion fails.


  • Successful deletion:

    iex> delete_auth_method(%WebhookAuthMethod{id: "some_id"})
    {:ok, %WebhookAuthMethod{}}
  • Deletion fails due to the item not existing or other conflict:

    iex> delete_auth_method(%WebhookAuthMethod{id: "non_existing_id"})
    {:error, reason}


  • It is important to ensure that the WebhookAuthMethod is not being referenced by other entities before trying deletion to avoid conflicts.
  • This function will return an error tuple if the WebhookAuthMethod struct passed to it does not exist in the database.
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find_by_api_key(api_key, project)

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Retrieves a WebhookAuthMethod that matches the given API key for a specified project.

It uses a secure comparison to match the API key, ensuring that timing attacks are mitigated.


  • api_key: The API key as a binary string to match against existing WebhookAuthMethod records.
  • project: The Project struct to scope the search within its associated WebhookAuthMethods.


  • A WebhookAuthMethod struct if a matching API key is found within the given project's scope.
  • nil if there is no WebhookAuthMethod with the given API key for the project.


  • When a matching WebhookAuthMethod is found:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.find_by_api_key("existing_api_key", %Project{id: "existing_project_id"})
  • When there is no matching WebhookAuthMethod:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.find_by_api_key("non_existing_api_key", %Project{id: "existing_project_id"})

Retrieves a WebhookAuthMethod by its ID, raising an exception if not found.

This function is intended for situations where the WebhookAuthMethod is expected to exist, and not finding one is an exceptional case that should halt normal flow with an error.


  • id: The ID of the WebhookAuthMethod to retrieve.


  • Returns the WebhookAuthMethod struct if found.



  • When a WebhookAuthMethod with the given ID exists:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.find_by_id!("existing_id")
  • When there is no WebhookAuthMethod with the given ID:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.find_by_id!("non_existing_id")
    ** (Ecto.NoResultsError)
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find_by_username_and_password(username, password, project)

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@spec find_by_username_and_password(
) ::
  Lightning.Workflows.WebhookAuthMethod.t() | nil

Retrieves a WebhookAuthMethod that matches the given username and password within the scope of a specified project.

The function checks if the provided password is correct for the given username and project. If the password is valid, the corresponding WebhookAuthMethod is returned. It is important to handle password comparison securely to prevent timing attacks.


  • username: The username as a string to match against the WebhookAuthMethod records.
  • password: The plaintext password as a string which will be securely compared to the stored password.
  • project: The Project struct to scope the search for the WebhookAuthMethod.


  • Returns the matching WebhookAuthMethod struct if the username and password are correct within the given project's scope.
  • Returns nil if no matching record is found or if the password is invalid.


  • When a matching WebhookAuthMethod is found and the password is valid:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.find_by_username_and_password("existing_username", "valid_password", %Project{id: "existing_project_id"})
  • When the username is found but the password is invalid or no matching record is found:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.find_by_username_and_password("existing_username", "invalid_password", %Project{id: "existing_project_id"})
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Retrieves a list of WebhookAuthMethods associated with a specific Project.

The function filters WebhookAuthMethods by the provided Project's ID and excludes any methods that are scheduled for deletion.


  • project: The Project struct containing the ID of the project for which to list the authentication methods.


  • A list of WebhookAuthMethod structs. This can be an empty list if no methods are associated with the project or if the project does not exist.


  • When the project exists and has associated auth methods:

    iex> list_for_project(%Project{id: "existing_project_id"})
    [%WebhookAuthMethod{}, ...]
  • When the project does not exist or has no associated auth methods:

    iex> list_for_project(%Project{id: "non_existing_project_id"})
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Retrieves a list of WebhookAuthMethods associated with the specified Trigger.

This function filters out WebhookAuthMethods that are scheduled for deletion, ensuring that only active methods are returned.


  • trigger: A Trigger struct whose associated WebhookAuthMethods are to be retrieved.


  • A list of WebhookAuthMethod structs associated with the Trigger. If the Trigger has no associated methods or if they are all scheduled for deletion, the list will be empty.


  • When the Trigger has associated WebhookAuthMethods not scheduled for deletion:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.list_for_trigger(%Trigger{id: "existing_trigger_id"})
    [%WebhookAuthMethod{}, ...]
  • When the Trigger has no associated WebhookAuthMethods or they are all scheduled for deletion:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.list_for_trigger(%Trigger{id: "trigger_without_methods"})
@spec perform(Oban.Job.t()) ::
  {:ok, %{deleted_count: any(), disassociated_count: any()}}

Performs cleanup of WebhookAuthMethod records that are marked for permanent deletion.


This function, when invoked with a job argument containing %{"type" => "purge_deleted"}, performs the following operations:

  1. It queries all WebhookAuthMethod records that are scheduled for deletion (i.e., their scheduled_deletion timestamp is in the past).
  2. It then disassociates each of these records from any associated triggers.
  3. Finally, it deletes the WebhookAuthMethod records from the database.

The function operates within the context of an Oban job, utilizing the perform/1 callback expected by the Oban.Worker behaviour.


  • A %Oban.Job{args: %{"type" => "purge_deleted"}} struct, indicating the job should perform a purge operation.


A tuple {:ok, %{disassociated_count: integer(), deleted_count: integer()}} where:

  • :ok indicates the operation was successful.
  • disassociated_count is the number of WebhookAuthMethod records successfully disassociated from triggers.
  • deleted_count is the number of WebhookAuthMethod records successfully deleted.


args: %{"type" => "purge_deleted"}
|> MyModule.perform()
# => {:ok, %{disassociated_count: 2, deleted_count: 2}}
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schedule_for_deletion(webhook_auth_method, list)

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Schedules a WebhookAuthMethod for deletion by setting its scheduled_deletion date.

This function does not delete the record immediately. Instead, it sets the scheduled_deletion field to a date in the future as defined by the application's environment settings. The default behavior, in the absence of environment configuration, is to schedule the deletion for the current date and time, effectively marking it for immediate deletion.

The scheduled deletion date is determined by the :purge_deleted_after_days configuration in the application environment. If this configuration is not present, the function defaults to 0 days, which schedules the deletion for the current date and time.


  • webhook_auth_method: A WebhookAuthMethod struct that is to be scheduled for deletion.


  • {:ok, webhook_auth_method}: Returns an :ok tuple with the updated webhook auth method struct if the update was successful.
  • {:error, changeset}: Returns an :error tuple with the changeset if the update failed.


  • When a webhook auth method is successfully scheduled for deletion:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.schedule_for_deletion(%WebhookAuthMethod{id: some_id})
    {:ok, %WebhookAuthMethod{scheduled_deletion: deletion_date}}
  • When scheduling for deletion fails due to validation errors:

    iex> Lightning.Workflows.schedule_for_deletion(%WebhookAuthMethod{})
    {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
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update_auth_method(webhook_auth_method, attrs, list)

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Updates an existing WebhookAuthMethod with the provided attributes and creates an audit event.

This function applies the given changes to the specified WebhookAuthMethod and records the update action in the audit log. It wraps the operations within a database transaction to ensure data integrity.


  • webhook_auth_method: The WebhookAuthMethod struct to be updated.
  • attrs: A map containing the updated values for the fields of the WebhookAuthMethod.
  • actor: The user performing the update, represented by a %User{} struct.


  • {:ok, %WebhookAuthMethod{}}: A tuple containing :ok and the updated WebhookAuthMethod struct if the update is successful.
  • {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}: A tuple containing :error and the changeset with errors if the update fails.


  • Successful update:

    iex> update_auth_method(webhook_auth_method, %{field: new_value}, actor: %User{})
    {:ok, %WebhookAuthMethod{}}
  • Update fails due to invalid data:

    iex> update_auth_method(webhook_auth_method, %{field: bad_value}, actor: %User{})
    {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}


  • The function uses Ecto.Multi to perform a transaction, ensuring that either all changes apply successfully, or none do if there's an error.
  • An audit event is recorded with the Lightning.WebhookAuthMethodAudit.event/4 function, capturing the details of the update and the acting user.
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update_trigger_auth_methods(trigger, auth_methods, list)

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@spec update_trigger_auth_methods(
  [Lightning.Workflows.WebhookAuthMethod.t()] | [],
  [{:actor, Lightning.Accounts.User.t()}]
) :: {:ok, Lightning.Workflows.Trigger.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}

Updates the association of WebhookAuthMethods for a given Trigger and logs the changes as audit events.

This function replaces the current WebhookAuthMethod associations of a Trigger with the provided list of WebhookAuthMethods. It creates audit events for each added and removed WebhookAuthMethod, ensuring full traceability of changes.


  • trigger: The Trigger struct whose associated WebhookAuthMethods are to be updated.
  • auth_methods: A list of WebhookAuthMethod structs to be associated with the Trigger.
  • actor: The user performing the update, represented by a %User{} struct.


  • {:ok, %Trigger{}}: A tuple containing :ok and the updated Trigger struct if the associations are updated successfully.
  • {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}: A tuple containing :error and the changeset with errors if the update fails.


  • Successful association update:

    iex> update_trigger_auth_methods(trigger, [webhook_auth_method], actor: %User{})
    {:ok, %Trigger{}}
  • Update fails due to an invalid changeset:

    iex> update_trigger_auth_methods(trigger, [invalid_webhook_auth_method], actor: %User{})
    {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}


  • The function uses Ecto.Multi to perform a transaction, which ensures either all changes are applied or none at all if an error occurs.
  • Audit events for the additions and removals of WebhookAuthMethods are recorded using WebhookAuthMethodAudit.event/4.
  • The function preloads the existing webhook_auth_methods of the Trigger before performing updates.