View Source LightningWeb.Utils (Lightning v2.10.15)

Helper functions to deal with forms, query params, and dynamic plug setups.

This module contains:



Sets up multiple plugs using Replug.

Builds nested parameters for the given form field with the specified value.

Decodes a single {key, value} pair into a nested map suitable for query/form data.


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Sets up multiple plugs using Replug.

Accepts a list of plug configurations, where each configuration is a tuple:

{PlugModule, opts}
  • PlugModule is the module implementing the plug.
  • opts can be a keyword list of options or a tuple like {module, function} for dynamic plug configuration.

This macro will iterate over the provided list, calling plug Replug, plug: plug, opts: opts for each item.


@pre_session_plugs Application.compile_env(:my_app, :pre_session_plugs, [])
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build_params_for_field(form, field, value)

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Builds nested parameters for the given form field with the specified value.


  1. Obtains the param name for the field using Form.input_name(form, field).
  2. Uses decode_one/2 to decode the {param_name, value} tuple into a map.


iex> form = # some %Phoenix.HTML.Form{} struct
iex> LightningWeb.Utils.build_params_for_field(form, :username, "jane_doe")
%{"user" => %{"username" => "jane_doe"}}
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decode_one(arg, acc \\ %{})

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Decodes a single {key, value} pair into a nested map suitable for query/form data.

This function leverages Plug.Conn.Query.decode_each/2 and Query.decode_done/2 to parse the key and value into the expected nested structure.

If an accumulator (acc) is provided, it will merge the newly decoded structure into acc. Otherwise, a new map is returned.


iex> LightningWeb.Utils.decode_one({"user[username]", "jane_doe"})
%{"user" => %{"username" => "jane_doe"}}

iex> LightningWeb.Utils.decode_one({"user[username]", "jane_doe"}, %{"user" => %{"admin" => false}})
%{"user" => %{"admin" => false, "username" => "jane_doe"}}