View Source Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip (Lightning v2.10.15)
Ecto model for Dataclips.
Dataclips represent some data that arrived in the system, and records both the data and the source of the data.
The data arrived via a webhook.:global
Was created manually, and is intended to be used multiple times. When repetitive static data is needed to be maintained, instead of hard-coding into a Job - a more convenient solution is to create a:global
Dataclip and access it inside the Job.:step_result
The final state of a step.:saved_input
An arbitrary input, created by a user. (Only configuration will be overwritten.)
Append validations based on the type of the Dataclip.
@type source_type() :: :http_request | :global | :step_result | :saved_input | :kafka
@type t() :: %Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip{ __meta__: Ecto.Schema.Metadata.t(), body: %{} | String.t() | nil, id: Ecto.UUID.t() | nil, inserted_at: term(), project: term(), project_id: Ecto.UUID.t() | nil, request: %{} | nil, source_step: Lightning.Invocation.Step.t() | Ecto.Association.NotLoaded.t() | nil, type: term(), updated_at: term(), wiped_at: term() }
Append validations based on the type of the Dataclip.
must have an associated Step model.