Source: Adaptor.js

/** @module Adaptor */
import axios from 'axios';
import { indexOf } from 'lodash';
import {
  execute as commonExecute,
} from '@openfn/language-common';
import {
} from './Utils';
import { request } from './Client';

 * Execute a sequence of operations.
 * Wraps `language-common/execute`, and prepends initial state for DHIS2.
 * @example
 * execute(
 *   create('foo'),
 *   delete('bar')
 * )(state)
 * @constructor
 * @param {Operations} operations - Operations to be performed.
 * @returns {Operation}
export function execute(...operations) {
  const initialState = {
    references: [],
    data: null,

  return state => {
    return commonExecute(
    )({ ...initialState, ...state });

 * Migrates `apiUrl` to `hostUrl` if `hostUrl` is `blank`.
 * For `` users with the `old-style configuration`.
 * @example
 * configMigrationHelper(state)
 * @constructor
 * @param {object} state - the runtime state
 * @returns {object}
function configMigrationHelper(state) {
  const { hostUrl, apiUrl } = state.configuration;
  if (!hostUrl) {
      'DEPRECATION WARNING: Please migrate instance address from `apiUrl` to `hostUrl`.'
    state.configuration.hostUrl = apiUrl;
    return state;
  return state;

// NOTE: In order to prevent unintended exposure of authentication information
// in the logs, we make use of an axios interceptor.
  function (response) {
    const contentType = response.headers['content-type']?.split(';')[0];

    const acceptHeaders = response.config.headers['Accept']

    if (response.config.method === 'get') {
      if (indexOf(acceptHeaders, contentType) === -1) {
        const newError = {
          status: 404,
          message: 'Unexpected content returned',


        return Promise.reject(newError);

    if (
      typeof response?.data === 'string' &&
      contentType === CONTENT_TYPES?.json
    ) {
      try {
        response = { ...response, data: JSON.parse( };
      } catch (error) {
        Log.warn('Non-JSON response detected, unable to parse.');
    return response;
  function (error) {
    if (error.config?.auth) error.config.auth = '--REDACTED--';
    if (error.config?.data) = '--REDACTED--';

    const details = error.response?.data?.response;

    Log.error(error.message || "That didn't work.");

    if (details) console.log(JSON.stringify(details, null, 2));

    return Promise.reject({
      request: error.config,
      error: error.message,
      response: error.response?.data,

 * Create a record
 * @public
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} resourceType - Type of resource to create. E.g. `trackedEntityInstances`, `programs`, `events`, ...
 * @param {Object} data - Data that will be used to create a given instance of resource. To create a single instance of a resource, `data` must be a javascript object, and to create multiple instances of a resources, `data` must be an array of javascript objects.
 * @param {Object} [options] - Optional `options` to define URL parameters via params (E.g. `filter`, `dimension` and other import parameters), request config (E.g. `auth`) and the DHIS2 apiVersion.
 * @param {function} [callback] - Optional callback to handle the response
 * @returns {Operation}
 * @example <caption>a program</caption>
 * create('programs', {
 *   name: 'name 20',
 *   shortName: 'n20',
 *   programType: 'WITHOUT_REGISTRATION',
 * });
 * @example <caption>an event</caption>
 * create('events', {
 *   program: 'eBAyeGv0exc',
 *   orgUnit: 'DiszpKrYNg8',
 *   status: 'COMPLETED',
 * });
 * @example <caption>a trackedEntityInstance</caption>
 * create('trackedEntityInstances', {
 *   orgUnit: 'TSyzvBiovKh',
 *   trackedEntityType: 'nEenWmSyUEp',
 *   attributes: [
 *     {
 *       attribute: 'w75KJ2mc4zz',
 *       value: 'Gigiwe',
 *     },
 *   ]
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataSet</caption>
 * create('dataSets', { name: 'OpenFn Data Set', periodType: 'Monthly' });
 * @example <caption>a dataSetNotification</caption>
 * create('dataSetNotificationTemplates', {
 *   dataSetNotificationTrigger: 'DATA_SET_COMPLETION',
 *   notificationRecipient: 'ORGANISATION_UNIT_CONTACT',
 *   name: 'Notification',
 *   messageTemplate: 'Hello',
 *   deliveryChannels: ['SMS'],
 *   dataSets: [],
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataElement</caption>
 * create('dataElements', {
 *   aggregationType: 'SUM',
 *   domainType: 'AGGREGATE',
 *   valueType: 'NUMBER',
 *   name: 'Paracetamol',
 *   shortName: 'Para',
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataElementGroup</caption>
 * create('dataElementGroups', {
 *   name: 'Data Element Group 1',
 *   dataElements: [],
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataElementGroupSet</caption>
 * create('dataElementGroupSets', {
 *   name: 'Data Element Group Set 4',
 *   dataDimension: true,
 *   shortName: 'DEGS4',
 *   dataElementGroups: [],
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataValueSet</caption>
 * create('dataValueSets', {
 *   dataElement: 'f7n9E0hX8qk',
 *   period: '201401',
 *   orgUnit: 'DiszpKrYNg8',
 *   value: '12',
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataValueSet with related dataValues</caption>
 * create('dataValueSets', {
 *   dataSet: 'pBOMPrpg1QX',
 *   completeDate: '2014-02-03',
 *   period: '201401',
 *   orgUnit: 'DiszpKrYNg8',
 *   dataValues: [
 *     {
 *       dataElement: 'f7n9E0hX8qk',
 *       value: '1',
 *     },
 *     {
 *       dataElement: 'Ix2HsbDMLea',
 *       value: '2',
 *     },
 *     {
 *       dataElement: 'eY5ehpbEsB7',
 *       value: '3',
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });
 * @example <caption>an enrollment</caption>
 * create('enrollments', {
 *   trackedEntityInstance: 'bmshzEacgxa',
 *   orgUnit: 'TSyzvBiovKh',
 *   program: 'gZBxv9Ujxg0',
 *   enrollmentDate: '2013-09-17',
 *   incidentDate: '2013-09-17',
 * });
export function create(resourceType, data, options = {}, callback = false) {
  return state => {
    console.log(`Preparing create operation...`);

    resourceType = expandReferences(resourceType)(state);
    data = expandReferences(data)(state);
    options = expandReferences(options)(state);

    const { params, requestConfig } = options;
    const { configuration } = state;

    return request(configuration, {
      method: 'post',
      url: generateUrl(configuration, options, resourceType),
      data: nestArray(data, resourceType),
    }).then(result => {
      const details = `with response ${JSON.stringify(, null, 2)}`;
      Log.success(`Created ${resourceType} ${details}`);

      const { location } = result.headers;
      if (location) console.log(`Record available @ ${location}`);

      return handleResponse(result, state, callback);

 * Update data. A generic helper function to update a resource object of any type.
 * Updating an object requires to send `all required fields` or the `full body`
 * @public
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} resourceType - The type of resource to be updated. E.g. `dataElements`, `organisationUnits`, etc.
 * @param {string} path - The `id` or `path` to the `object` to be updated. E.g. `FTRrcoaog83` or `FTRrcoaog83/{collection-name}/{object-id}`
 * @param {Object} data - Data to update. It requires to send `all required fields` or the `full body`. If you want `partial updates`, use `patch` operation.
 * @param {Object} [options] - Optional `options` to define URL parameters via params (E.g. `filter`, `dimension` and other import parameters), request config (E.g. `auth`) and the DHIS2 apiVersion.
 * @param {function} [callback]  - Optional callback to handle the response
 * @returns {Operation}
 * @example <caption>a program</caption>
 * update('programs', 'qAZJCrNJK8H', {
 *   name: '14e1aa02c3f0a31618e096f2c6d03bed',
 *   shortName: '14e1aa02',
 *   programType: 'WITHOUT_REGISTRATION',
 * });
 * @example <caption>an event</caption>
 * update('events', 'PVqUD2hvU4E', {
 *   program: 'eBAyeGv0exc',
 *   orgUnit: 'Ngelehun CHC',
 *   status: 'COMPLETED',
 *   storedBy: 'admin',
 *   dataValues: [],
 * });
 * @example <caption>a trackedEntityInstance</caption>
 * update('trackedEntityInstances', 'IeQfgUtGPq2', {
 *   created: '2015-08-06T21:12:37.256',
 *   orgUnit: 'TSyzvBiovKh',
 *   createdAtClient: '2015-08-06T21:12:37.256',
 *   trackedEntityInstance: 'IeQfgUtGPq2',
 *   lastUpdated: '2015-08-06T21:12:37.257',
 *   trackedEntityType: 'nEenWmSyUEp',
 *   inactive: false,
 *   deleted: false,
 *   featureType: 'NONE',
 *   programOwners: [
 *     {
 *       ownerOrgUnit: 'TSyzvBiovKh',
 *       program: 'IpHINAT79UW',
 *       trackedEntityInstance: 'IeQfgUtGPq2',
 *     },
 *   ],
 *   enrollments: [],
 *   relationships: [],
 *   attributes: [
 *     {
 *       lastUpdated: '2016-01-12T00:00:00.000',
 *       displayName: 'Last name',
 *       created: '2016-01-12T00:00:00.000',
 *       valueType: 'TEXT',
 *       attribute: 'zDhUuAYrxNC',
 *       value: 'Russell',
 *     },
 *     {
 *       lastUpdated: '2016-01-12T00:00:00.000',
 *       code: 'MMD_PER_NAM',
 *       displayName: 'First name',
 *       created: '2016-01-12T00:00:00.000',
 *       valueType: 'TEXT',
 *       attribute: 'w75KJ2mc4zz',
 *       value: 'Catherine',
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataSet</caption>
 * update('dataSets', 'lyLU2wR22tC', { name: 'OpenFN Data Set', periodType: 'Weekly' });
 * @example <caption>a dataSetNotification</caption>
 * update('dataSetNotificationTemplates', 'VbQBwdm1wVP', {
 *   dataSetNotificationTrigger: 'DATA_SET_COMPLETION',
 *   notificationRecipient: 'ORGANISATION_UNIT_CONTACT',
 *   name: 'Notification',
 *   messageTemplate: 'Hello Updated,
 *   deliveryChannels: ['SMS'],
 *   dataSets: [],
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataElement</caption>
 * update('dataElements', 'FTRrcoaog83', {
 *   aggregationType: 'SUM',
 *   domainType: 'AGGREGATE',
 *   valueType: 'NUMBER',
 *   name: 'Paracetamol',
 *   shortName: 'Para',
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataElementGroup</caption>
 * update('dataElementGroups', 'QrprHT61XFk', {
 *   name: 'Data Element Group 1',
 *   dataElements: [],
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataElementGroupSet</caption>
 * update('dataElementGroupSets', 'VxWloRvAze8', {
 *   name: 'Data Element Group Set 4',
 *   dataDimension: true,
 *   shortName: 'DEGS4',
 *   dataElementGroups: [],
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataValueSet</caption>
 * update('dataValueSets', 'AsQj6cDsUq4', {
 *   dataElement: 'f7n9E0hX8qk',
 *   period: '201401',
 *   orgUnit: 'DiszpKrYNg8',
 *   value: '12',
 * });
 * @example <caption>a dataValueSet with related dataValues</caption>
 * update('dataValueSets', 'Ix2HsbDMLea', {
 *   dataSet: 'pBOMPrpg1QX',
 *   completeDate: '2014-02-03',
 *   period: '201401',
 *   orgUnit: 'DiszpKrYNg8',
 *   dataValues: [
 *     {
 *       dataElement: 'f7n9E0hX8qk',
 *       value: '1',
 *     },
 *     {
 *       dataElement: 'Ix2HsbDMLea',
 *       value: '2',
 *     },
 *     {
 *       dataElement: 'eY5ehpbEsB7',
 *       value: '3',
 *     },
 *   ],
 * });
 * @example <caption>a single enrollment</caption>
 * update('enrollments', 'CmsHzercTBa' {
 *   trackedEntityInstance: 'bmshzEacgxa',
 *   orgUnit: 'TSyzvBiovKh',
 *   program: 'gZBxv9Ujxg0',
 *   enrollmentDate: '2013-10-17',
 *   incidentDate: '2013-10-17',
 * });
export function update(
  options = {},
  callback = false
) {
  return state => {
    console.log(`Preparing update operation...`);

    resourceType = expandReferences(resourceType)(state);
    path = expandReferences(path)(state);
    data = expandReferences(data)(state);
    options = expandReferences(options)(state);

    const { params, requestConfig } = options;
    const { configuration } = state;

    return request(configuration, {
      method: 'put',
      url: generateUrl(configuration, options, resourceType, path),
    }).then(result => {
      Log.success(`Updated ${resourceType} at ${path}`);
      return handleResponse(result, state, callback);

 * Get data. Generic helper method for getting data of any kind from DHIS2.
 * - This can be used to get `DataValueSets`,`events`,`trackedEntityInstances`,`etc.`
 * @public
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} resourceType - The type of resource to get(use its `plural` name). E.g. `dataElements`, `trackedEntityInstances`,`organisationUnits`, etc.
 * @param {Object} query - A query object that will limit what resources are retrieved when converted into request params.
 * @param {Object} [options] - Optional `options` to define URL parameters via params beyond filters, request configuration (e.g. `auth`) and DHIS2 api version to use.
 * @param {function} [callback]  - Optional callback to handle the response
 * @returns {Operation} state
 * @example <caption>all data values for the 'pBOMPrpg1QX' dataset</caption>
 * get('dataValueSets', {
 *   dataSet: 'pBOMPrpg1QX',
 *   orgUnit: 'DiszpKrYNg8',
 *   period: '201401',
 *   fields: '*',
 * });
 * @example <caption>all programs for an organization unit</caption>
 * get('programs', { orgUnit: 'TSyzvBiovKh', fields: '*' });
 * @example <caption>a single tracked entity instance by a unique external ID</caption>
 * get('trackedEntityInstances', {
 *   ou: 'DiszpKrYNg8',
 *   filter: ['flGbXLXCrEo:Eq:124', 'w75KJ2mc4zz:Eq:John'],
 * });
export function get(resourceType, query, options = {}, callback = false) {
  return state => {
    console.log('Preparing get operation...');

    resourceType = expandReferences(resourceType)(state);
    query = expandReferences(query)(state);
    options = expandReferences(options)(state);

    const { params, requestConfig } = options;
    const { configuration } = state;

    return request(configuration, {
      method: 'get',
      url: generateUrl(configuration, options, resourceType),
      params: { ...query, ...params },
      responseType: 'json',
    }).then(result => {
      Log.success(`Retrieved ${resourceType}`);
      return handleResponse(result, state, callback);

 * Upsert a record. A generic helper function used to atomically either insert a row, or on the basis of the row already existing, UPDATE that existing row instead.
 * @public
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} resourceType - The type of a resource to `upsert`. E.g. `trackedEntityInstances`
 * @param {Object} query - A query object that allows to uniquely identify the resource to update. If no matches found, then the resource will be created.
 * @param {Object} data - The data to use for update or create depending on the result of the query.
 * @param {{ apiVersion: object, requestConfig: object, params: object }} [options] - Optional configuration that will be applied to both the `get` and the `create` or `update` operations.
 * @param {function} [callback] - Optional callback to handle the response
 * @throws {RangeError} - Throws range error
 * @returns {Operation}
 * @example <caption>Example `expression.js` of upsert</caption>
 * upsert('trackedEntityInstances', {
 *  ou: 'TSyzvBiovKh',
 *  filter: ['w75KJ2mc4zz:Eq:Qassim'],
 * }, {
 *  orgUnit: 'TSyzvBiovKh',
 *  trackedEntityType: 'nEenWmSyUEp',
 *  attributes: [
 *    {
 *      attribute: 'w75KJ2mc4zz',
 *      value: 'Qassim',
 *    },
 *  ],
 * });
export function upsert(
  resourceType, // resourceType supplied to both the `get` and the `create/update`
  query, // query supplied to the `get`
  data, // data supplied to the `create/update`
  options = {}, // options supplied to both the `get` and the `create/update`
  callback = false // callback for the upsert itself.
) {
  return state => {
    console.log(`Preparing upsert via 'get' then 'create' OR 'update'...`);

    return get(
      .then(resp => {
        const resources =[resourceType];
        if (resources.length > 1) {
          throw new RangeError(
            `Cannot upsert on Non-unique attribute. The operation found more than one records for your request.`
        } else if (resources.length <= 0) {
          return create(resourceType, data, options)(state);
        } else {
          // Pick out the first (and only) resource in the array and grab its
          // ID to be used in the subsequent `update` by the path determined
          // by the `selectId(...)` function.
          const path = resources[0][selectId(resourceType)];
          return update(resourceType, path, data, options)(state);
      .then(result => {
        Log.success(`Performed a "composed upsert" on ${resourceType}`);
        return handleResponse(result, state, callback);

 * Discover `DHIS2` `api` `endpoint` `query parameters` and allowed `operators` for a given resource's endpoint.
 * @public
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} httpMethod - The HTTP to inspect parameter usage for a given endpoint, e.g., `get`, `post`,`put`,`patch`,`delete`
 * @param {string} endpoint - The path for a given endpoint. E.g. `/trackedEntityInstances` or `/dataValueSets`
 * @returns {Operation}
 * @example <caption>a list of parameters allowed on a given endpoint for specific http method</caption>
 * discover('post', '/trackedEntityInstances')
export function discover(httpMethod, endpoint) {
  return state => {
      `Discovering query/import parameters for ${httpMethod} on ${endpoint}`
    return axios
          transformResponse: [
            data => {
              let tempData = JSON.parse(data);
              let filteredData = tempData.paths[endpoint][httpMethod];
              return {
                parameters: filteredData.parameters.reduce(
                  (acc, currentValue) => {
                    let index = currentValue['$ref'].lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
                    let paramRef = currentValue['$ref'].slice(index);
                    let param = tempData.components.parameters[paramRef];

                    if (param.schema['$ref']) {
                      let schemaRefIndex =
                        param.schema['$ref'].lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
                      let schemaRef = param.schema['$ref'].slice(
                      param.schema = tempData.components.schemas[schemaRef];

                    param.schema = JSON.stringify(param.schema);

                    let descIndex;
                    if (
                      indexOf(param.description, ',') === -1 &&
                      indexOf(param.description, '.') > -1
                      descIndex = indexOf(param.description, '.');
                    else if (
                      indexOf(param.description, ',') > -1 &&
                      indexOf(param.description, '.') > -1
                    ) {
                      descIndex =
                        indexOf(param.description, '.') <
                        indexOf(param.description, ',')
                          ? indexOf(param.description, '.')
                          : indexOf(param.description, ',');
                    } else {
                      descIndex = param.description.length;

                    param.description = param.description.slice(0, descIndex);

                    acc[paramRef] = param;
                    return acc;
      .then(result => {
          `\t=======================================================================================\n\tQuery Parameters for ${httpMethod} on ${endpoint} [${
   ?? '<description_missing>'
        console.table(, [
        console.table(, ['schema']);
        return { ...state, data: };

 * Patch a record. A generic helper function to send partial updates on one or more object properties.
 * - You are not required to send the full body of object properties.
 * - This is useful for cases where you don't want or need to update all properties on a object.
 * @public
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} resourceType - The type of resource to be updated. E.g. `dataElements`, `organisationUnits`, etc.
 * @param {string} path - The `id` or `path` to the `object` to be updated. E.g. `FTRrcoaog83` or `FTRrcoaog83/{collection-name}/{object-id}`
 * @param {Object} data - Data to update. Include only the fields you want to update. E.g. `{name: "New Name"}`
 * @param {Object} [options] - Optional configuration, including params for the update ({preheatCache: true, strategy: 'UPDATE', mergeMode: 'REPLACE'}). Defaults to `{operationName: 'patch', apiVersion: state.configuration.apiVersion, responseType: 'json'}`
 * @param {function} [callback] - Optional callback to handle the response
 * @returns {Operation}
 * @example <caption>a dataElement</caption>
 * patch('dataElements', 'FTRrcoaog83', { name: 'New Name' });
// TODO: @Elias, can this be deleted in favor of update? How does DHIS2 handle PATCH vs PUT?
// I need to investigate on this. But I think DHIS2 forces to send all properties back when we do an update. If that's confirmed then this may be needed.
export function patch(
  options = {},
  callback = false
) {
  return state => {
    console.log('Preparing patch operation...');

    resourceType = expandReferences(resourceType)(state);
    path = expandReferences(path)(state);
    data = expandReferences(data)(state);
    options = expandReferences(options)(state);

    const { params, requestConfig } = options;
    const { configuration } = state;

    return request(configuration, {
      method: 'patch',
      url: generateUrl(configuration, options, resourceType, path),
    }).then(result => {
      Log.success(`Patched ${resourceType} at ${path}`);
      return handleResponse(result, state, callback);

 * Delete a record. A generic helper function to delete an object
 * @public
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} resourceType - The type of resource to be deleted. E.g. `trackedEntityInstances`, `organisationUnits`, etc.
 * @param {string} path - Can be an `id` of an `object` or `path` to the `nested object` to `delete`.
 * @param {Object} [data] - Optional. This is useful when you want to remove multiple objects from a collection in one request. You can send `data` as, for example, `{"identifiableObjects": [{"id": "IDA"}, {"id": "IDB"}, {"id": "IDC"}]}`. See more {@link on DHIS2 API docs}
 * @param {{apiVersion: number,operationName: string,resourceType: string}} [options] - Optional `options` for `del` operation including params e.g. `{preheatCache: true, strategy: 'UPDATE', mergeMode: 'REPLACE'}`. Run `discover` or see {@link DHIS2 documentation}. Defaults to `{operationName: 'delete', apiVersion: state.configuration.apiVersion, responseType: 'json'}`
 * @param {function} [callback] - Optional callback to handle the response
 * @returns {Operation}
 * @example <caption>a tracked entity instance</caption>
 * destroy('trackedEntityInstances', 'LcRd6Nyaq7T');
export function destroy(
  data = null,
  options = {},
  callback = false
) {
  return state => {
    console.log('Preparing destroy operation...');

    resourceType = expandReferences(resourceType)(state);
    path = expandReferences(path)(state);
    data = expandReferences(data)(state);
    options = expandReferences(options)(state);

    const { params, requestConfig } = options;
    const { configuration } = state;

    return request({
      method: 'delete',
      url: generateUrl(configuration, options, resourceType, path),
    }).then(result => {
      Log.success(`Deleted ${resourceType} at ${path}`);
      return handleResponse(result, state, callback);

 * Gets an attribute value by its case-insensitive display name
 * @public
 * @example
 * findAttributeValue([0], 'first name')
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} trackedEntityInstance - A tracked entity instance (TEI) object
 * @param {string} attributeDisplayName - The 'displayName' to search for in the TEI's attributes
 * @returns {string}
export function findAttributeValue(
) {
  return trackedEntityInstance?.attributes?.find(
    a => a?.displayName.toLowerCase() == attributeDisplayName.toLowerCase()

 * Converts an attribute ID and value into a DSHI2 attribute object
 * @public
 * @example
 * attr('w75KJ2mc4zz', 'Elias')
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} attribute - A tracked entity instance (TEI) attribute ID.
 * @param {string} value - The value for that attribute.
 * @returns {object}
export function attr(attribute, value) {
  return { attribute, value };

 * Converts a dataElement and value into a DSHI2 dataValue object
 * @public
 * @example
 * dv('f7n9E0hX8qk', 12)
 * @constructor
 * @param {string} dataElement - A data element ID.
 * @param {string} value - The value for that data element.
 * @returns {object}
export function dv(dataElement, value) {
  return { dataElement, value };

export {
} from '@openfn/language-common';