Class: destroy

Adaptor.destroy(resourceType, path, dataopt, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Operation}

new destroy(resourceType, path, dataopt, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Operation}

Delete a record. A generic helper function to delete an object
Name Type Attributes Description
resourceType string The type of resource to be deleted. E.g. `trackedEntityInstances`, `organisationUnits`, etc.
path string Can be an `id` of an `object` or `path` to the `nested object` to `delete`.
data Object <optional>
Optional. This is useful when you want to remove multiple objects from a collection in one request. You can send `data` as, for example, `{"identifiableObjects": [{"id": "IDA"}, {"id": "IDB"}, {"id": "IDC"}]}`. See more on DHIS2 API docs
options Object <optional>
Optional `options` for `del` operation including params e.g. `{preheatCache: true, strategy: 'UPDATE', mergeMode: 'REPLACE'}`. Run `discover` or see DHIS2 documentation. Defaults to `{operationName: 'delete', apiVersion: state.configuration.apiVersion, responseType: 'json'}`
callback function <optional>
Optional callback to handle the response

a tracked entity instance

destroy('trackedEntityInstances', 'LcRd6Nyaq7T');