Class: create

Adaptor.create(resourceType, data, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Operation}

new create(resourceType, data, optionsopt, callbackopt) → {Operation}

Create a record
Name Type Attributes Description
resourceType string Type of resource to create. E.g. `trackedEntityInstances`, `programs`, `events`, ...
data Object Data that will be used to create a given instance of resource. To create a single instance of a resource, `data` must be a javascript object, and to create multiple instances of a resources, `data` must be an array of javascript objects.
options Object <optional>
Optional `options` to define URL parameters via params (E.g. `filter`, `dimension` and other import parameters), request config (E.g. `auth`) and the DHIS2 apiVersion.
callback function <optional>
Optional callback to handle the response

a program

create('programs', {
  name: 'name 20',
  shortName: 'n20',

an event

create('events', {
  program: 'eBAyeGv0exc',
  orgUnit: 'DiszpKrYNg8',
  status: 'COMPLETED',

a trackedEntityInstance

create('trackedEntityInstances', {
  orgUnit: 'TSyzvBiovKh',
  trackedEntityType: 'nEenWmSyUEp',
  attributes: [
      attribute: 'w75KJ2mc4zz',
      value: 'Gigiwe',

a dataSet

create('dataSets', { name: 'OpenFn Data Set', periodType: 'Monthly' });

a dataSetNotification

create('dataSetNotificationTemplates', {
  dataSetNotificationTrigger: 'DATA_SET_COMPLETION',
  notificationRecipient: 'ORGANISATION_UNIT_CONTACT',
  name: 'Notification',
  messageTemplate: 'Hello',
  deliveryChannels: ['SMS'],
  dataSets: [],

a dataElement

create('dataElements', {
  aggregationType: 'SUM',
  domainType: 'AGGREGATE',
  valueType: 'NUMBER',
  name: 'Paracetamol',
  shortName: 'Para',

a dataElementGroup

create('dataElementGroups', {
  name: 'Data Element Group 1',
  dataElements: [],

a dataElementGroupSet

create('dataElementGroupSets', {
  name: 'Data Element Group Set 4',
  dataDimension: true,
  shortName: 'DEGS4',
  dataElementGroups: [],

a dataValueSet

create('dataValueSets', {
  dataElement: 'f7n9E0hX8qk',
  period: '201401',
  orgUnit: 'DiszpKrYNg8',
  value: '12',

a dataValueSet with related dataValues

create('dataValueSets', {
  dataSet: 'pBOMPrpg1QX',
  completeDate: '2014-02-03',
  period: '201401',
  orgUnit: 'DiszpKrYNg8',
  dataValues: [
      dataElement: 'f7n9E0hX8qk',
      value: '1',
      dataElement: 'Ix2HsbDMLea',
      value: '2',
      dataElement: 'eY5ehpbEsB7',
      value: '3',

an enrollment

create('enrollments', {
  trackedEntityInstance: 'bmshzEacgxa',
  orgUnit: 'TSyzvBiovKh',
  program: 'gZBxv9Ujxg0',
  enrollmentDate: '2013-09-17',
  incidentDate: '2013-09-17',