View Source Lightning.Invocation (Lightning v2.10.15)
The Invocation context.
Return all logs for a step as a string of text, separated by new line breaks
Returns an %Ecto.Changeset{}
for tracking dataclip changes.
Returns an %Ecto.Changeset{}
for tracking step changes.
Creates a dataclip.
Deletes a dataclip.
Exports work orders by performing a series of database operations wrapped in a transaction.
Gets a single dataclip given one of
Gets a single dataclip.
Query for retrieving the dataclip that was step's starting dataclip.
Query for retrieving the dataclip that was the result of a successful step.
Gets a single step.
Fetches a step and preloads the job via the step's event.
Returns the list of dataclips.
Returns the list of steps.
Return all logs for a step as a list
Searches for work orders based on project and search parameters.
Updates a dataclip.
@spec assemble_logs_for_step(Lightning.Invocation.Step.t()) :: binary()
Return all logs for a step as a string of text, separated by new line breaks
Returns an %Ecto.Changeset{}
for tracking dataclip changes.
iex> change_dataclip(dataclip)
%Ecto.Changeset{data: %Dataclip{}}
Returns an %Ecto.Changeset{}
for tracking step changes.
iex> change_step(step)
%Ecto.Changeset{data: %Step{}}
@spec create_dataclip(attrs :: map()) :: {:ok, Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t(Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip)}
Creates a dataclip.
iex> create_dataclip(%{field: value})
{:ok, %Dataclip{}}
iex> create_dataclip(%{field: bad_value})
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
Deletes a dataclip.
iex> delete_dataclip(dataclip)
{:ok, %Dataclip{}}
iex> delete_dataclip(dataclip)
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}
Exports work orders by performing a series of database operations wrapped in a transaction.
This function creates an audit log, a project file record, and enqueues an export job using a transaction.
Each step is executed as part of an Ecto.Multi
operation, ensuring atomicity.
- The project for which work orders are being exported. Expected to be a map or struct with anid
- The user initiating the export operation. Expected to be a map or struct with anid
- A map of search parameters used to filter work orders to export.
{:ok, %{audit: audit, project_file: project_file, export_job: job}}
on success:audit
: The audit log entry created for the export operation.project_file
: The project file record created for the export operation.export_job
: The result of the export job enqueuing step.
{:error, step, reason, changes}
if any step in the transaction fails:step
: The step where the error occurred, e.g.,:audit
, or:export_job
: The reason for the failure, typically an error atom.changes
: A map of changes up to the point of failure.
@spec get_dataclip(step_or_uuid :: Lightning.Invocation.Step.t() | Ecto.UUID.t()) :: Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip.t() | nil
Gets a single dataclip given one of:
- a Dataclip uuid
- a Step model
Returns nil
if the Dataclip does not exist.
iex> get_dataclip("27b73932-16c7-4a72-86a3-85d805ccff98")
iex> get_dataclip("27b73932-16c7-4a72-86a3-85d805ccff98")
iex> get_dataclip(%Step{id: "a uuid"})
@spec get_dataclip!(id :: Ecto.UUID.t()) :: Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip.t()
Gets a single dataclip.
Raises Ecto.NoResultsError
if the Dataclip does not exist.
iex> get_dataclip!(123)
iex> get_dataclip!(456)
** (Ecto.NoResultsError)
@spec get_dataclip_details!(id :: Ecto.UUID.t()) :: Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip.t()
@spec get_dataclip_for_run(run_id :: Ecto.UUID.t()) :: Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip.t() | nil
Query for retrieving the dataclip that was step's starting dataclip.
@spec get_first_dataclip_for_run_and_job( run_id :: Ecto.UUID.t(), job_id :: Ecto.UUID.t() ) :: Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip.t() | nil
@spec get_first_step_for_run_and_job( run_id :: Ecto.UUID.t(), job_id :: Ecto.UUID.t() ) :: Lightning.Invocation.Step.t() | nil
Query for retrieving the dataclip that was the result of a successful step.
@spec get_step!(Ecto.UUID.t()) :: Lightning.Invocation.Step.t()
Gets a single step.
Raises Ecto.NoResultsError
if the Step does not exist.
iex> get_step!(123)
iex> get_step!(456)
** (Ecto.NoResultsError)
@spec get_step_count_for_run(run_id :: Ecto.UUID.t()) :: non_neg_integer()
Fetches a step and preloads the job via the step's event.
@spec list_dataclips() :: [Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip.t()]
Returns the list of dataclips.
iex> list_dataclips()
[%Dataclip{}, ...]
@spec list_dataclips(project :: Lightning.Projects.Project.t()) :: [ Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip.t() ]
@spec list_dataclips_query(project :: Lightning.Projects.Project.t()) :: Ecto.Queryable.t()
Returns the list of steps.
iex> list_steps()
[%Step{}, ...]
@spec list_steps_for_project(Lightning.Projects.Project.t(), keyword() | map()) :: Scrivener.Page.t()
@spec list_steps_for_project_query(Lightning.Projects.Project.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t()
@spec logs_for_step(Lightning.Invocation.Step.t()) :: list()
Return all logs for a step as a list
Searches for work orders based on project and search parameters.
: The project to filter the work orders by.search_params
: The parameters to guide the search.
A paginated list of work orders that match the criteria.
search_workorders(%Project{id: 1}, %SearchParams{status: ["completed"]})
@spec search_workorders( Lightning.Projects.Project.t(), Lightning.WorkOrders.SearchParams.t(), keyword() | map() ) :: Scrivener.Page.t(Lightning.WorkOrder.t())
Updates a dataclip.
iex> update_dataclip(dataclip, %{field: new_value})
{:ok, %Dataclip{}}
iex> update_dataclip(dataclip, %{field: bad_value})
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}}