View Source Lightning.WorkOrders (Lightning v2.10.15)

Context for creating WorkOrders.

Work Orders

Work Orders represent the entrypoint for a unit of work in Lightning. They allow you to track the status of a webhook or cron trigger.

For example if a user makes a request to a webhook endpoint, a Work Order is created with it's associated Workflow and Dataclip.

Every Work Order has at least one Run, which represents a single invocation of the Workflow. If the workflow fails, and the run is retried, a new Run is created on the Work Order.

This allows you group all the runs for a single webhook, and track the success or failure of a given dataclip.

Creating Work Orders

Work Orders can be created in three ways:

  1. Via a webhook trigger
  2. Via a cron trigger
  3. Manually by a user (via the UI or API)

Retries do not create new Work Orders, but rather new Runs on the existing Work Order.



Enqueue multiple runs for retry in the same transaction.

Get a Work Order by id.

Retry a run from a given step.

See Lightning.WorkOrders.Events.subscribe/1.

Updates the state of a WorkOrder based on the state of a run.


@type work_order_option() ::
  {:workflow, Lightning.Workflows.Workflow.t()}
  | {:dataclip, Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip.t()}
  | {:created_by, Lightning.Accounts.User.t()}
  | {:project_id, Ecto.UUID.t()}
  | {:without_run, boolean()}


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build_for(trigger, attrs)

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create_for(trigger, multi \\, opts)

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@spec create_for(Lightning.Workflows.Trigger.t(), Ecto.Multi.t(), [
]) ::
  {:ok, Lightning.WorkOrder.t()}
  | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t(Lightning.WorkOrder.t()) | :workflow_deleted}

Create a new Work Order.

For a webhook

create_for(trigger, workflow: workflow, dataclip: dataclip)
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enqueue_many_for_retry(workorders_ids, creating_user_id)

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Enqueue multiple runs for retry in the same transaction.

@spec get(Ecto.UUID.t(), [{:include, [atom()]}]) :: Lightning.WorkOrder.t() | nil

Get a Work Order by id.

Optionally preload associations by passing a list of atoms to :include.

Lightning.WorkOrders.get(id, include: [:runs])
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retry(run_id, step_id, opts)

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@spec retry(
  Lightning.Run.t() | Ecto.UUID.t(),
  Lightning.Invocation.Step.t() | Ecto.UUID.t(),
  [work_order_option(), ...]
) :: {:ok, Lightning.Run.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t() | :workflow_deleted}

Retry a run from a given step.

This will create a new Run on the Work Order, and enqueue it for processing.

When creating a new Run, a graph of the workflow is created steps that are independent from the selected step and its downstream flow are associated with this new run, but not executed again.

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retry_many(workorders, opts)

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@spec retry_many(
  [Lightning.WorkOrder.t(), ...] | [Lightning.RunStep.t(), ...],
  [work_order_option(), ...]
) ::
  {:ok, enqueued_count :: non_neg_integer(),
   discarded_count :: non_neg_integer()}
  | Lightning.Extensions.UsageLimiting.error()
  | {:error, :enqueue_error}
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retry_many(workorders, job_id, opts)

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@spec retry_many([Lightning.WorkOrder.t(), ...], job_id :: Ecto.UUID.t(), [
]) ::
  {:ok, enqueued_count :: non_neg_integer(),
   discarded_count :: non_neg_integer()}
  | Lightning.Extensions.UsageLimiting.error()
  | {:error, :enqueue_error}

See Lightning.WorkOrders.Events.subscribe/1.

@spec update_state(Lightning.Run.t()) :: {:ok, Lightning.WorkOrder.t()}

Updates the state of a WorkOrder based on the state of a run.

This considers the state of all runs on the WorkOrder, with the Run passed in as the latest run.

See Lightning.WorkOrders.Query.state_for/1 for more details.