View Source Lightning.WorkOrders (Lightning v2.10.15)
Context for creating WorkOrders.
Work Orders
Work Orders represent the entrypoint for a unit of work in Lightning. They allow you to track the status of a webhook or cron trigger.
For example if a user makes a request to a webhook endpoint, a Work Order is created with it's associated Workflow and Dataclip.
Every Work Order has at least one Run, which represents a single invocation of the Workflow. If the workflow fails, and the run is retried, a new Run is created on the Work Order.
This allows you group all the runs for a single webhook, and track the success or failure of a given dataclip.
Creating Work Orders
Work Orders can be created in three ways:
- Via a webhook trigger
- Via a cron trigger
- Manually by a user (via the UI or API)
Retries do not create new Work Orders, but rather new Runs on the existing Work Order.
Create a new Work Order.
Enqueue multiple runs for retry in the same transaction.
Get a Work Order by id.
Retry a run from a given step.
See Lightning.WorkOrders.Events.subscribe/1
Updates the state of a WorkOrder based on the state of a run.
@type work_order_option() :: {:workflow, Lightning.Workflows.Workflow.t()} | {:dataclip, Lightning.Invocation.Dataclip.t()} | {:created_by, Lightning.Accounts.User.t()} | {:project_id, Ecto.UUID.t()} | {:without_run, boolean()}
@spec build_for(Lightning.Workflows.Trigger.t() | Lightning.Workflows.Job.t(), map()) :: Ecto.Changeset.t(Lightning.WorkOrder.t())
@spec create_for(Lightning.Workflows.Trigger.t(), Ecto.Multi.t(), [ work_order_option() ]) :: {:ok, Lightning.WorkOrder.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t(Lightning.WorkOrder.t()) | :workflow_deleted}
Create a new Work Order.
For a webhook
create_for(trigger, workflow: workflow, dataclip: dataclip)
Enqueue multiple runs for retry in the same transaction.
@spec get(Ecto.UUID.t(), [{:include, [atom()]}]) :: Lightning.WorkOrder.t() | nil
Get a Work Order by id.
Optionally preload associations by passing a list of atoms to :include
Lightning.WorkOrders.get(id, include: [:runs])
@spec retry( Lightning.Run.t() | Ecto.UUID.t(), Lightning.Invocation.Step.t() | Ecto.UUID.t(), [work_order_option(), ...] ) :: {:ok, Lightning.Run.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t() | :workflow_deleted}
Retry a run from a given step.
This will create a new Run on the Work Order, and enqueue it for processing.
When creating a new Run, a graph of the workflow is created steps that are independent from the selected step and its downstream flow are associated with this new run, but not executed again.
@spec retry_many( [Lightning.WorkOrder.t(), ...] | [Lightning.RunStep.t(), ...], [work_order_option(), ...] ) :: {:ok, enqueued_count :: non_neg_integer(), discarded_count :: non_neg_integer()} | Lightning.Extensions.UsageLimiting.error() | {:error, :enqueue_error}
@spec retry_many([Lightning.WorkOrder.t(), ...], job_id :: Ecto.UUID.t(), [ work_order_option(), ... ]) :: {:ok, enqueued_count :: non_neg_integer(), discarded_count :: non_neg_integer()} | Lightning.Extensions.UsageLimiting.error() | {:error, :enqueue_error}
See Lightning.WorkOrders.Events.subscribe/1
@spec update_state(Lightning.Run.t()) :: {:ok, Lightning.WorkOrder.t()}
Updates the state of a WorkOrder based on the state of a run.
This considers the state of all runs on the WorkOrder, with the Run passed in as the latest run.
See Lightning.WorkOrders.Query.state_for/1
for more details.